High School Choices and Applications for Promoting 8th Grade Students

Hello 8th Grade Parents. 

The SDUSD CHOICE office and a few high schools will be on campus this Wednesday during Open House in the amphitheater with tables set up to advertise their high schools. Please be sure to stop by to find out about area high schools!

Remember the CHOICE is yours!

Mrs. Williams
Secondary Academic Counselor
Hola Familias de Padres de el 8vo Grado.  Les informamos que la oficina de el Distrito de San Diego CHOICE junto con otras preparatorias estaran disponibles durante Open House en la area de amfiteatro para proveer informacion sobre las Preparatorias en nuestra comunidad. 
Recuerde que la DECISION la determina usted !

Mrs. Williams
Consejera Academica de la Secundaria KLA 