KLA Primary » Director's Message

Director's Message

"A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus, but a molder of consensus." Martin Luther King, Jr.
 Welcome KLA families! 
I am Tertia Sartain and I have been part of the Keiller community since 1998. I have witnessed and been part of the transformation of Keiller Leadership Academy. I have been given numerous opportunities to wear different hats throughout the years - all of which have contributed to furthering my own education and developing as an educator. I first started here as a Language Arts classroom teacher, helping students become critical thinkers of reading and writing. I then tried on a new hat as a Literacy Academic Coach helping teachers address the needs of readers and writers. I was then given the opportunity of taking on the role of Curriculum Coordinator/Chief of Academics where I helped to provide and maintain a rigorous yet relevant academic program. 
As the current Academic Director of KLA Secondary, I am very dedicated to ensuring that all KLA students achieve academically and develop as leaders. Everyday I open the Gates of Wisdom, I am excited about creating student leaders who value quality education. I strongly believe that everyone can and will learn if provided a safe learning environment to grow. My goal in life is to do everything that I can to provide an equal opportunity for all children regardless of who they are, what they are, and where they come from, to succeed in both education and in life. My job at KLA is to do everything in my power to create a safe, nurturing environment so that children can thrive as individuals and develop as mindful leaders by embracing the REACH values. 
Through the years, I have learned that an intrical part of creating a safe learning environment is relationship building. It is so important that all stakeholders maintain a positive relationship with one another. Part of teaching children to become positive leaders, is teaching them to build positive relationships with their peers and adults through a productive conflict resolution process. I believe that the programs and staff at KLA support the relationship building process for all of our students. I find great joy in watching our students resolve conflict in a non-violent, peaceful manner. 
I look forward to another great year of learning for both myself and our KLA students. 
Mrs. Tertia Miyashiro Sartain