About Us » Executive Director's Message

Executive Director's Message

Dear Parents,
As Executive Director of Keiller Leadership Academy (KLA), I want to WELCOME you to another exciting school year. I am honored and proud to work at such a quality school. The staff at KLA are committed to providing high quality instruction and a safe environment for all students to learn. We are determined to “Sweat the Small Stuff” to accomplish this.
KLA Primary follows the Character Counts pillars of Fairness, Caring Citizenship, Trustworthiness, Respect and Responsibility for strong character development.
In KLA Secondary our students follow the REACH values of Respect, Enthusiasm, Achievement, Citizenship and Hard.
The mission of Keiller Leadership Academy is to: “Create student leaders who value quality education and embrace their role as a contributing member of our diverse community”.
This means that our students will leave Keiller with a determination to improve our community, our city, state and country. The school culture and programs that are offered at KLA prepare students to be successful leaders of the future. The most valuable skill that a student will learn at KLA is to build a strong relationship of respect with others.
Educator Paul Houston in 2001 said this about educational leadership “Leadership of the future will be about the creation and maintenance of relationships: the relationship of children to learning, children to children, adults to adults, and school to community.”
Please continue to visit our website regularly for updated announcements and information.
Joel Christman