Educational Support / Commitees » Board of Directors » Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Anyone may address the Board of Directors for up to 3 minutes on any item. Spokespersons and groups wishing to address the Board of Directors shall be limited to 5 minutes. The General Public Comment Period shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes. Please obtain a form entitled “Request to Address KLA Board of Directors” and leave it at the KLA main office for the Board Secretary. The Chair will call you forward at the appropriate time. Any documents or exhibits submitted to the Board of Directors will become public record and will not be returned


Items that arise after the posting of the agenda may be added upon a determination by majority vote of the Board of Directors that an emergency situation exists, as defined in the Brown Act, or upon a determination by two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors that there is a need to take immediate action and that the need for action came to the attention of the KLA officials after the agenda was posted.

 Board Agendas and Documents